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Beide Seiten der vorigen RevisionVorhergehende Überarbeitung
unterricht:2018-2019:en8b:interview:isabelle [06.08.2020 (11:29)] – Externe Bearbeitung [25.02.2025 (05:47)] (aktuell) – [Transcript (written version of the audio track)]
Zeile 4: Zeile 4:
 ===== Transcript (written version of the audio track) ===== ===== Transcript (written version of the audio track) =====
-L: Hello, my name is Lena. What's your name?+L: Hello, my name is Lena. What's your name?
-I: I'm Isabelle.+I: I'm Isabelle.
-L: So, we've got a view questions about you're exchange. My first question is how long did you need to get to school?+L: So, we've got a view questions about you're exchange. My first question is how long did you need to get to school?
 I: It was different. One time, we went with the bus, we needed 10 min but when we went with the car then about 5 min I: It was different. One time, we went with the bus, we needed 10 min but when we went with the car then about 5 min
Zeile 14: Zeile 14:
 L: How long tooks one lesson? L: How long tooks one lesson?
-I: I think the same as in Germany. About one and a half hour.  I think so, but I'm not sure. +I: I think the same as in Germany. About one and a half hour.  I think so, but I'm not sure. 
 L: Did you do any sport activities? L: Did you do any sport activities?
-I: No, because I was injured. So I couldn't do any sport.+I: No, because I was injured. So I couldn't do any sport.
 L: Did you miss something about Germany? L: Did you miss something about Germany?
Zeile 38: Zeile 38:
 L: Okay,thas it. Thank you a lot for the interview. L: Okay,thas it. Thank you a lot for the interview.
-I: You're welcome. Good bye !+I: You're welcome. Good bye !
 ===== Reported version ===== ===== Reported version =====
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