


Interview with Isabelle

Names of interviewers: Antonio, Lena, Anna

Transcript (written version of the audio track)

L: Hello, my name is Lena. What's your name?

I: I'm Isabelle.

L: So, we've got a view questions about you're exchange. My first question is how long did you need to get to school?

I: It was different. One time, we went with the bus, we needed 10 min but when we went with the car then about 5 min

L: How long tooks one lesson?

I: I think the same as in Germany. About one and a half hour. I think so, but I'm not sure.

L: Did you do any sport activities?

I: No, because I was injured. So I couldn't do any sport.

L: Did you miss something about Germany?

I: I think my normal day routine I had in Germany and my friends and family.

L: Was it hard to unterstand the lessons?

I: In the beginning a litlle bit but from day to day I unterstood more.

L: When you came backi, did you miss something about america?

I: Yes, the new friends I made there.

L: Did you thinkl it was a good experience for you?

I: Yes, it was a good experience because it was cool to see how it is in the lessons. They told us a lot of things about America. It was just cool to see and feel the American life.

L: Okay,thas it. Thank you a lot for the interview.

I: You're welcome. Good bye !

Reported version

Lena said hello and that her name was Lena.

She asked what Isabelle's name was. Isabelle told that her name was Isabelle.

Lena said that they had a view questions about her exchange.

She said that her first question was how long she needed to get to school.

Isabelle answerd was that it had been different.

One time, they went with the bus they needed 10 min but when they went with the car then about 5 min.

Lena asked how long one lesson took.

Isabelle answered that she thought that the lessons took as long as in Germany.

So, about one and a half hour. She said that she is not sure.

Lena asked if Isabelle did any sport activities.

Isabelle answered that she had been injured so she hadn't been able to do any sports.

Lena asked if she missed something about Germany.

Isabelle answered that she had been missing her normal day routine that she had been having in Germany, her friends and her family.

Lena asked if it had been hard to unterstand the lessons.

Isabelle answered that it had been a little bit hard at the beginning, but that she unterstood a bit more from day to day.

Lena asked Isabelle if she is missing something her new friends she had made in America.

Lena asked her if the exchange had been a good experience.

Isabelle answerd that it had been a great experience because the American pepole had been telling them a lot of things about the US

She said it had been very interesting to feel and see the American life.

Lena thanked Isabelle for the interview.

Isabelle answerd that Lena was welcome.

They said each other good bye.

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