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Interview with Samira

Names of interviewers: Noah, Rosalie, Dean

1. How long is your school day?

 From 8:30 until 4 am. o` clock.

2. What are you normaly eating (cafetaria)

 Pizzas and burgers. (But it doesn´t taste good).

3. How are you livung with the politik situation?

 In the family I was they don´t care about the politik situatioin.

4. Have you really so much place?

 It was very wide, there gives a lot of mountains and there was a big lake.

5. It is really so hot in the US?

 In some kind of the year yes but there where I live it wasn´t hot.

6. What are your favorite sports?

 My favorite sports are: baseball, american football and lacross.

7. Would you do it again and did you enjoy the exchange?

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