
Life in New York


  • For most of the writing tasks on this page, you should use one of the pages with your name in the list at the bottom.
  • If the tasks tells you to use your exercise book, use it.
  • As you work in a pair, chose ONE of your two pages to do all the tasks on and do the tasks together.

(A) Radio rookies

TB 20/9 + 10


The Radio Rookies program in New York gives teenagers the chance to be real radio reporters and make reports about their own neighborhood.

  1. Before you listen: What kind of people from their neighborhood might the teenagers interview for their reports? Collect ideas in your exercise book.
  2. Listen to Kelly’s report and take notes in your exercise books about what is said (both of you). Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the words. Listen for keywords.
    If you can’t see a player on this page, download the mp3-file and play it on the computer:
  3. Use your notes from (2) to write a text (about 6 – 8 sentences) about life in that part of Brooklyn.
    • Write the text on one of the pages with your name from the list below and save it when you’ve finished.
    • Give the page a proper headline.
  4. What is good or bad for young people where you live? Look again at the text you wrote in exercise (3) – What is the same, what is different in your town? Make notes on the page you wrote the text on. Be able to tell us about your ideas in proper English using these notes.

(B) English in Conversations

  1. Think about the situations in TB 21/1. Write down what you could say in these situations (again, use the page you already wrote the other answers on)
  2. Get used to different accents (TB 21/2)
    1. Read the instructions of TB 21/2a, then listen to the cab driver and write down the words which sound typically American (use again the same wiki page as before)
    2. Now listen to some of his passengers. Write down, who of them sounds British and who sounds American (Example: »Passenger 1: …«)

Pages to use for the tasks on this page