====== Talking about past habits: “used to” + infinitive ====== When English speakers talk about something that they did regularly [regelmäßig] in the past but that they no longer do, they often use the construction „used to“ + infinitive. **EXAMPLE** “I always //used to go// to this playground when I was a child”. Als ich ein Kind war, bin ich immer auf diesen Spielplatz gegangen. This construction is very common in English. It expresses [ausdrücken] a past habit [vergangene Gewohnheit]. When you use “used to” you’re saying that you no longer do the thing you’re talking about. ===== Video lesson ===== Watch this video lesson for explanation and examples. {{youtube>TLBxsXUOtHQ?640x360}} ===== Explanation and practice ===== **LEARN MORE** Work through the following pages to learn more and practice this construction. - [[https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-m_used-to-do.htm|used to do]] by englishclub.com – Make sure to do the games at the end of the page. - [[http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/course/intermediate/unit-23/tab/grammar|Meaning and use of used to and be/get used to]] by the BBC – This page explains the difference between //“used to” + infinitive// vs. //“to be/get used to something”//. - [[https://www.learnenglish.de/grammar/usedtotext.html|'Used to' or 'use to' vs would]] by learnenglish.de – This page explains “used to” and compares it to the use of “would” to talk about past habits.