======Stressing what you want to say======
* Add extra stress (Betonung) to these sentences.
* Have a look at the **example in the first line** of the table to understand how to do the exercise.
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^ Unstressed sentence ^^ Sentence with extra stress added. ^^
|**Example** \\ I need a hot shower now.||**Example** \\ I really need a hot shower now. \\ OR \\ What I need now is a hot shower. ||
|1 | I think that Cary likes Tom a lot. |1 | I think that Cary **does** like Tom a lot. \\ OR \\ I think that Cary **really** likes Tom a lot. |
|2 | [annoyed]:\\ You always take my mp3-player. |2 | You**’re** always **taking** my mp3-player.|
|3 | Sarah, not Tom broke the window. |3 | **It was** Sarah, not Tom, **who** broke the window |
|4 | Please come on Saturday. |4 | Please **do** come on Saturday. |
|5 | Teacher: You haven’t done your HW. \\ ▶ Ted: Yes, I did it. |5 | … \\ ▶ Ted: Yes, I **did** do it. |
|6 | ▶ I’m useless with computers.\\ I can’t even send an e-mail. |6 | ▶ I’m **absolutely** useless with computers. |
|7 | You don’t need make-up. \\ ▶ You need some sleep. |7 | You don’t need make-up. \\ ▶ **What you need is** some sleep. |
|8 | I’m really tired of this: \\ ▶ You never clean up after you. |8 | … \\ ▶ You**’re never cleaning** up after you. |
|9 | A: I can’t believe she said that. \\ ▶ B: Yes, she said it. |9 | … \\ ▶ B: Yes, she **did** say it. |
|10| We met on Tuesday, not on Wednesday. |10| **It was on** Tuesday **that** we met (not on Wednesday).|
[[:hinweise-tandem|Didaktische Hinweise]]
{{tag>english grammar exercises folientraining}}