====== Personal pronouns and possessive determiners (Personalpronomen und Possessivpronomen) ====== **TASK/AUFGABE** Find the correct personal pronoun or possessive determiner and fill in the gaps. Finde das korrekte Personalpronomen oder Possessivpronomen und schreibe es in die Lücke. |<100% 24% 24% 1% 24% >| ^PERSONAL PRONOUNS^^ ^POSSESSIVE DETERMINERS^^ ^Singular^Plural^ ^Singular^Plural^ |I\\ you\\ he/she/it|we\\ you\\ they| |my\\ your\\ his/her/its|our\\ your\\ their| - This is Karam. …………… bag is blue.\\ \\ - I have a dog. …………… name is Sherlock.\\ \\ - You are very funny. Do you like …………… joke?\\ \\ - Ryan and I are classmates. …………… go to school together.\\ \\ - Ruby has a new book. …………… loves to read.\\ \\ - This is me and my dog, Sherlock. Do you like ……………?\\ \\ - Ruby and I study together. …………… homework is easy.\\ \\ - Ryan plays football. Look at ……………!\\ \\ - We have a ball. …………… ball is red.\\ \\ - Ruby reads her book. …………… book is on the table.\\ \\ - You and Lily dance at the party. Do …………… like the music?\\ \\ - Karam and Ruby play in the park. …………… have fun.\\ \\ - I play with …………… toys.\\ \\ - Karam has a ball. …………… ball is red.\\ \\ - Sherlock sleeps on the floor. …………… bed is warm.\\ \\ - Sherlock and Ryan run together. Can you see ……………?\\ \\ - Lily and Ruby sit in the car. …………… parents drive.\\ \\ - Ruby and Lily talk to their friends. …………… friends listen.\\ \\ - Ryan and I love football. …………… team wins often.\\ \\ - This is Ruby. Do you like …………… dress?\\ \\ - Ryan has a football. …………… football is new.\\ \\ - Ruby and Ryan are twins. …………… house is big.\\ \\ - This is Karam. …………… is my friend.\\ \\ - I stand here with my sister. Do you know ……………?\\ \\ - You read a book. What is …………… title?\\ \\ - Karam and I talk to our teacher. …………… teacher listens.\\ \\ - We go to the park. Do you see …………… ball?\\ \\ - I wear my new shoes. Do you like ……………?\\ \\ ---- {{ englisch:2024-12-18_18-35-44.png}} [[pers-pronouns-poss-l5323]]