====== Exercise: Participle constructions to replace relative clauses and adverbial clauses ====== Rewrite the following sentences using participle constructions.What’s special about the last sentence? The pupil who was sitting next to me looked really stressed. The pupil **sitting** next to me looked really stressed. ---- That morning, I saw a man who walked along the river. That morning, I saw a man **walking** along the river. ---- Because they were tired of the bad weather, the family decided to finish their holiday early. **(Being) tired** of the bad weather, the family decided to finish their holiday early. ---- We visited a city which was mentioned in our travel guide. We visited a city **mentioned** in our travel guide. ---- Many of the wild animals that once lived in the USA can only be found in zoos today. Many of the wild animals once **living** in the USA can only be found in zoos today. ---- When I came into the room, I realised that all my class mates were already there. **Coming** into the room, I realised that all my class mates were already there. ---- As (“weil”)((At the beginning of a sentence you don’t use “because”. Instead [stattdessen], you use “as”, “since” or “for” – all used in the same position as the word “as” in the example sentence. “as” ist the most common, “since” and “for” are more formal [förmlich])) they had heard about the flood, many people came to help. **Having heard** about the flood, many people came to help. ---- The films that are made about Indians are not very realistic. The films **made** about Indians are not very realistic. ---- When the plane landed in Sydney, it broke one wheel. **Landing** in Sydney, the plane broke one wheel. ---- Although they were very fit, the basketball players got tired at the end of the match. **Although being** very fit, the basketball players got tired at the end of the match. {{tag>grammar exercise}}